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About Our Campaign

2bin 1bag – Segregation at source

A campaign to promote three-way segregation with colour coding. It has been adopted by over 1 lakh households across Bangalore and in other cities as well. It is now the Law in Bangalore.

SN Greenovation also believe three-way segregation is the scientific way to segregate municipality solid waste.

Click Here To Know More

SwachaGragh – Start a Green Spot

SwachaGraha campaign started by few energetic, committed residents in Bangalore who were determined to bring back the beautiful green Bangalore back. www.swachagraha.in

www.swachagraha.in,seeking to communicate the key tenets of solid waste management, i.e. segregation of waste at source, home composting and responsible waste management.

SwachaGraha a PLEDGE, start your Green Spot Journey with the One Week Composting Challenge. This will keep one week’s organic waste away from landfills. Imagine a million homes with a million green spots, it would be a Green Revolution of another kind.

Beat The Plastic Pollution

“Beat Plastic Pollution”, the theme for World Environment 2018, urges governments, industry, communities and individuals to come together and explore sustainable alternatives and urgently reduce the production and excessive use of single-use plastic polluting our oceans, damaging marine life and threatening human health.

Dr. Harsh Vardhan, Minister of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Says“If each and every one of us does at least one green good deed daily towards our Green Social Responsibility, there will be billions of green good deeds daily on the planet.”

Plastic Pollution facts:

  • Every year the world uses 500 billion plastic bags
  • Each year, at least 8 million tonnes of plastic end up in the oceans, the equivalent of a full garbage truck every minute.
  • In the last decade, we produced more plastic than in the whole last century
  • 50 per cent of the plastic we use is single-use or disposable
  • We buy 1 million plastic bottles every minute
  • Plastic makes up 10% of all of the waste we generate

Please click here to know more about SN Greenovation contribution.

Green The Red – Sustainable Menstruration India

Green The Red – Sustainable Menstruation India : A campaign to promote sustainable, comfortable, new-age menstruation choices.Green The Red is pan India movement. www.greenthered.in

Management of sanitary waste has become an ever-growing problem for municipalities who struggle to handle this waste every day.

Reusables such as the menstrual cups and cloth pads are a solution to the menstrual waste management problem. Our case studies have shown that these solutions have acceptability among rural and urban women across all class and income levels. The comfort factor is huge and once a woman has adapted to the Menstrual cup, she will never go back to using the disposable sanitary napkins.

SN Greenovation proud to adopt the campaign to reduce the toxic waste from the landfill.

For Her

For Her is a social initiative by SN Greenovation Trust to distribute sustainable menstrual options to underprivileged women and adolescent girls. This is an annual campaign.

Save The GREEN

Every single thing in existence is worthy of supreme reverence. Nature is not something for human beings to exploit as they see fit, solely for their own interests. Both nature and humanity are part—and at the same time complete expressions—of the life of the universe. To destroy the natural world is to destroy human life.

Please click here to know more about SN Greeenovation contribution.


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