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Organic Garden

An organic garden is a piece of space that has been cultivated and nurtured to grow plants, vegetables and flowers with help of natural products and natural waste compost. This practice strictly stays away from any kind chemical products like pesticides or fertilizers. An organic garden can be few buckets and pots on a balcony or a small plot of land in a stingy alley or just a tub on the doorway or an interior garden.

In our Organic Garden Blog we will focus on various kinds of garden that are possible in an urban space. We will provide tips on techniques to grow plants, help you with your gardens’ build up and teach you how kitchen produce and waste can become the best fertilizer for the green bush in the corner of the house. A garden that is free of chemical abuse and healthy from the core.

We will also help our urban gardeners indentify plants and raise healthy plants. We will speak about plants and their uses and how to maintain a healthy a bush. In a fast paced life young professionals will need advice and want tips on pruning, clipping, stemming and budding of their garden.

Our blog will focus on the urban structure and spaces from around the country. The cities are growing at an alarming rate and individuals are losing breathing spaces and green bits. It is up to each human to develop their own green space which will also collectively help a city breathe easier.


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